Now that our school has Google Expeditions permanently housed in the LMC, I'd like to give a little bit more information about how it has an could be used. Starting last year, we were able to use Google Expeditions with the teacher as the guide. The
list of expeditions is endless, with practically every subject matter covered.
But this year, we have had some new additions to the VR Headsets. First, Google Expeditions has updated, so that kids can lead each each other through the expeditions (it does not have to be a teacher leading it on a tablet.). We have already had students doing this as a power hour activity, but I see the potential for students to lead other students on expeditions as an extension or enrichment in the core classes as well.
In addition to Google Expeditions, we have also added to "video based" VR apps to the headsets.
Discovery Science has lots of Virtual Reality based videos where the students follow through an experience through the headsets, which gives it a 360 degree point of view. There's everything there from shark week to asteroids!
Like Discovery Science, the
New York Times has created a Virtual Reality App that brings students "virtually" in to many different news stories through the world. This app too provides movie like experiences. The quality of the video and photography in many of these experiences are second to none, and/but the content is rather high level.
Ideally, we want the students to be creating, not just absorbing, so another app that was added is
Google Street View. With this app, students are able to create their own Virtual Reality of different experiences. They could make a tour of the school, show examples of the 5 themes of geography, or bring the phone with while going on a field trip and make a virtual reality review of what they learned on the field trip and share it with others. The possibilities are endless!
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